STOP Foodborne Illness

Every year, approximately 3,000 people die, 228,000 people are hospitalized and 48 million people get sick because of foodborne illness. As a nonprofit dedicated to eradicating this issue, STOP Foodborne Illness has little control over the factors that go into preventing many of these deaths. However, STOP Foodborne Illness can raise public awareness and influence industry change.
Develop and execute both the public relations and the social media strategy for STOP Foodborne Illness.
Top-Line Strategies:
- Position STOP as an established and effective advocacy organization dedicated to preventing foodborne illness
- Create a food safety culture by building sustained awareness among the public about foodborne illness (vs. having people be aware of the issue only when there is an outbreak)
- Educate the public on where their food comes from and how foodborne illness spreads
- Actively engage those who have been affected by foodborne illness to join and contribute their time and stories
- Proactively disseminate relevant food industry and pathogen news to the public
- Pursue strategic relationships with like-minded businesses and organizations
- Secured feature story in the New York Times regarding how to pack a safe lunch

- Secured multiple STOP spokespeople in Women’s Health’s story about 8 Things Food-Safety Experts Never Eat, story was picked up nationally including Prevention Magazine

- Secured STOP spokesperson to be featured as a live twitter chat guest during PBS’s Frontline story on “The Trouble with Chicken”

- Secured and created “The Food Safety Culture Club” monthly blog for STOP in Food Safety Tech Magazine