Pathways Awareness Foundation

More than 400,000 babies each year are at risk for an early motor delay, but new parents don’t always know the early warning signs. These were the findings of a recent Pathways Awareness Foundation’s study.
Pathways is a national not-for-profit that raises awareness of early motor development issues, which can affect the way a child learns basic skills, like walking, talking and eating.
Pathways’ challenge: and a way to educate parents about the critical three-month milestone, which is an indicator of a possible early motor delay (EMD).
Vagus helped Pathways capture the attention of moms, dads and the media by conducting a national survey to create news about the incredibly low awareness of EMD and the early milestones.
Using the survey to leverage the story about Pathways’ mission and messages, Vagus conducted a focused public relations effort that resonated with national and local media and reached a targeted audience of new parents.
- 49 Internet mentions including a story on iParenting and postings and links on parenting blogs and lists
- TV segments including a CNN Headline News story and a WGN-TV super-station evening news segment

- Several print stories, including a half-page photo and feature in the Chicago Tribune, and national stories in American Baby, BabyTalk, and Parents

- Multiple national trade magazine articles about Early Motor Delays